Launching procedure of inflatable life raft

Launching procedure of inflatable life raft

Manual launching Preparation: (Launch the life raft when all are ready to board) Make fast painter to a strong point. Release the lashings.

Launching life raft: Check for any obstruction in the water. Throw the life raft in the water.

Inflating the Life raft: Pull the painter until you feel it is stuck; then tug it harder until it inflates. Pull the life raft alongside.
Righting the life raft if the life raft opens upside down or capsized. Turn the life raft until facing the wind. Stand on the CO₂ bottle and grab the righting strap. Lean back and pull the righting strap using own weight and wind When it start to fall back move away from the life raft.

Boarding the Life raft: Use the boarding ladder to board. Jump onto the life raft only from lower heights and when no one is inside the life raft. If unable to bring the life raft closer to ship, enter the water from lower level as possible preferably from upstream then swim towards the life raft.

Moving away from the ship: Ensure everyone is accounted for. Using the knife provided near the entrance cut the painter. Using the paddles move quickly and away from the ship.

Automatic release of life raft: (When there is no time to manually release the life raft, the crew should wear the lifejacket and jump into the water and swim away from the sinking ship).
When the life raft is 3-4 metres in the water the hydrostatic release unit will release the life raft from its lashing. The painter is pulled as the ship sinking and open the CO₂ bottle.
After inflation, weak link attached to the painter will part and the life raft will float up free from the ship.

Wait for help: Stream the sea anchor Post lookout. Distribute anti seasickness tablets Switch on EPIRB and SART.

During cold/rough weather: To protect the crew from sea spray and to keep them warm, close the entrance except for a small area for lookout.

Survival: Read and explain the book on survival techniques to the survivors. Check for any leaks and repair any damage. Bailout water and sponge dry the floor. Fill in more air in the chamber for more insulation in a cold climate. Issue anti-seasickness tablets and administer first aid for the needy.

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